COVID-19 Risk MAnagement
The following measures we take to manage the risk related to Covid-19:
Ensuring both workers and clients who feel unwell stay at home and do not attend the premises
Increasing the frequency of handwashing and surface cleaning
We make every reasonable effort to comply with the social distancing guidelines set out by the Government (social distancing by 2m, or 1m with risk mitigation where 2m is not viable, is acceptable)
Our staff wears mask and/or visor during any permissible hair and beauty treatments
A re-usable visor is cleaned and sanitised regularly using normal cleaning products
Client is encouraged to wear mask or face covering, even when the staff is wearing a visor
We maintain a good ventilation in the salon, for example, keeping windows or doors open, extractor fan in the treatment room
Clearly, when providing close contact services, it often may not be possible to maintain social distancing guidelines. As a result, personal protective equipment (PPE) in the form of a visor is worn to mitigate the risk. Further mitigating actions are:
Increasing the frequency of hand washing and surface cleaning
Keeping the face to face client conversation as short as possible
Using back-to-back or side-to-side working (rather than face-to-face) whenever possible
Keeping clients safe
Making clients aware of and encourage compliance either at the time of booking or up on arrival.
As there is “No Waiting Policy within the salon”, Client is required to wait outside of the shop or into their own car.
Indoor gatherings are limited to members of any 2 households (or support bubbles) only.
Air conditioning system is not being used
Ventilation system in the rooms are in place to keep the room well ventilated.
Keeping doors and windows open if possible.
We keep a contact details of all our clients at least for 21 days, to assist NHS Test and Trace with requests for that data if needed.
We encourage clients to use hand sanitiser as they enter the premises or before treatment.
The maximum number of hair clients allowed is one and beauty clients two in the salon in order to reasonably follow social distancing guidelines. Beauty clients are taken care into the two available rooms and spa station.
Minimise contact among the staff while performing a service on a client
Encouraging clients to arrive at the time of their scheduled appointment and maintaining social distancing in the salon
Covid-19 related questions to be asked of clients’ ahead of their appointment: have you had the recent onset of a new continuous cough? Do you have a high temperature? Have you noticed a loss of, or change in, normal sense of taste or smell? If clients have had any of these symptoms, however mild, they advised to stay at home and subsequently the appointment is either re-scheduled or cancelled
Customers are advised not to use toilet in the salon which is there for staff use only.
Visual reminders are displayed in the salon to remind customers and staff to follow social distancing and hygiene
Staggered arrival and departure times at work to reduce crowding in and out of the Salon
Avoid overrunning or overlapping appointments
Drinks are not provided to the client in the salon unless it is an emergency
Measures to take to keep the Salon clean:
Minimising how frequently equipment is shared between staffs, frequently cleaning between use and assigning to an individual where possible
Use disposable items where possible, for example, nail files, and ensuring non-disposable items are cleaned between clients in the steriliser and barbie side.
Spacing appointments to allow for frequent cleaning of work areas and equipment between uses, using our usual cleaning products
Frequently cleaning the objects and surfaces that are touched regularly, including door handles or staff handheld devices
We do not provide reading materials such as magazines to the client
We sanitise any reusable equipment, including client chairs, treatment beds, and equipment, i.e. scissors used after each appointment in the steriliser and barbie side, and at the start and end of shifts
Using disposable gowns for each client. Where this is not possible, use separate gowns (and towels in the normal way) for each client, washing between use and disposing appropriately as required